Policy Notes



The Story



Instructor's Notes





NOT complete - this is mostly place holder text.



Notes from Initial Analysis


1-12 Points

Uses provided publication. Provide partial analysis of ads using either narrative or graphing tools. Incomplete categorization of ads and editorial content. Incomplete or superficial summary of findings.

13-17 Points

Select publication. Provide analysis of ads using narrative and graphing tools. Categorize most ad and editorial content by product type and topic respectively. Categorize types of ads. Describe findings coherently and in some detail.

18-20 Points

Select appropriate publication. Provide thorough analysis of ads using narrative and graphing tools. Categorize all display advertising (no need to do classifieds) and editorial content correctly by product type and topic respectively. Categorize types of ads. Concisely and completely provide an in-depth description of findings.




1-9 Points

Student contact with ePals is limited to 2 or fewer e-mails. Not able to address more than one point of comparison with ePal input.

10-13 Points

Student exchanges moderate information with ePals in 3 to 4 e-mails. Provides information gleaned from those exchanges in ad analysis and discussion.

14-15 Points

Student actively engages in correspondence with ePals with 5-10 e-mails exchanged. Student demonstrates understanding of ePal perspective as indicated by providing 3 or more comparison points in ad analysis narrative.




1-6 Points

Student participates minimally in discussions.

7-8 Points

Student participates in at least 2-3 of the discussions.

9-10 Points

Student actively contributes to at least 3 of the 4 planned discussions.


Oral Presenation


1-6 Points

Student journal entries are limited and syntactically flawed.

7-8 Points

Student has 2-3 journal entries of 100-300 words demonstrating coherent views. Generally good syntax and vocabulary with some errors.

9-10 Points

Student has at least four journal entries of 100-300 words reflecting careful consideration of the subject, grade appropriate vocabulary, correct spelling and good grammar.


Stated Objective or Performance


1-9 Points

Project is incomplete, syntactically flawed and misses most of the key elements: product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.

10-13 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically adequate, ad that shows consideration of most of these elements: product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.

14-15 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically correct, ad that shows creative thought and consideration of product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.


Stated Objective or Performance


1-9 Points

Project is incomplete, syntactically flawed and misses most of the key elements from previous project or understanding of the target audiences.

10-13 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically adequate, ad that shows consideration of most of the key elements from previous project as well as some understanding of the target audiences.

14-15 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically correct, ad that shows creative thought and consideration of key elements from previous project as well as understanding of the target audiences.


Stated Objective or Performance


1-9 Points

Project is incomplete, syntactically flawed and misses most of the key elements: product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.

10-13 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically adequate, ad that shows consideration of most of these elements: product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.

14-15 Points

Project is a complete, syntactically correct, ad that shows creative thought and consideration of product, placement, packaging, the purchasing audience and a persuasive pitch as well as color and composition.


    The Assignment | The Issues | Evaluation | Conclusion | Instructor Notes  | Credits

Produced by Susan Connell at the Department of Educational Technology
San Diego State University
ET541 Instructor: Dr. Bob Hoffman
ET570 Instructor: Dr. Bernie Dodge
© 2003, Susan Connell, All right reserved