Yangtze Dam
Policy Notes



The Issues

Photo Gallery



Instructor's Notes




The Yangtze River stretches nearly 4,000 miles from its source in the Himalayan Mountains eastward to the Yellow Sea covering a region that is home to more than 320 million people. In your quest to develop a policy briefing on this issue, you will find no shortage of data sources - many of which will present conflicting viewpoints. Your job is to collect information from a variety of sources and present these viewpoints objectively.

This policy briefing should include data cited from reliable sources and specific information about names, dates and places - the "who, what, when, where, how" of the issue. We have provided links to some information that you may find helpful on the pages listed below, but you may also feel free to seek other information on your own. Just be sure to include citations of where you found the information in your story.

An Overview What's Happening Now

News accounts from China and the western media, documentary coverage of the region...

Dam under construction, shortly before it spanned the river in 2002. Photo by S. Connell

Photo Gallery

Photos from the Author's Recent Tour of the Region

Chinese News Media

Home Page --- People' Daily Online English Edition

CHINADAILY.COM - The online version of the English language daily newspaper for China

Model of Yangtze River Dam at Site

US and International News and Analysis

Great Wall Across the Yangtze

Online NewsHour: Three Gorges Dam - October 8...

Three Gorges Probe - Probe International

Yangtze River Three Gorges Tour

Yangtze River Dam


Background Information

Historical perspectives, archeological sites, geological data...

Satellite photo of the Yangtze River Dam area courtesy of NASA

Historical Context

History Lost to Yangtze Damming

Great Wall Across the Yangtze

Yangtze River Dam

Geographical Context

Yangtze River Three Gorges Tour

International Rivers Network - an ecological overview of the area and the effects of the dam on the Yangtze River region

Visible Earth - Flooding in Central China - NASA satellite photos of the region during flooding events and at various other times over several years

Mountains and Rivers in China

An introductionto Yangze River, Three Gorges

Resources to Assist with Your Investigation

Maps, charts, engineering information, weather patterns...

Map of China from clipart.com


Great Wall Across the Yangtze - Companion website for a PBS documentary about the Three gorges Dam Project

Three Gorges Dam Project China: Yangtze River Tour - Tourist information from a Chinese perspective from YangtzeRiverTour.com, the largest source of travel-related, practical information for both business travelers and sightseeing tourists visiting China.

Three Gorges Dam Project - Business-oriented information from chinaonline.com, an online news and analysis website that provides business information on China


The Civil Engineering Portal - Big Project Watch - an engineering overview of the project with facts and figures about the dam's physical characteristics


International Rivers Network - an ecological overview of the area and the effects of the dam on the Yangtze River region

Visible Earth - Flooding in Central China - NASA satellite photos of the region during flooding events and at various other times over several years

    The Assignment | The Issues | Evaluation | Conclusion | Instructor Notes  | Credits

Produced by Susan Connell at the Department of Educational Technology
San Diego State University
ET541 Instructor: Dr. Bob Hoffman
ET570 Instructor: Dr. Bernie Dodge
© 2003, Susan Connell, All right reserved